NaturMotion is a hands-on treatment programme made up of
- Spinalcare
- Reflectology
- Pressure Points
- Massage
- Breathwork
- Self-Help Exercise
The NaturMotion Approach
- Views health from the perspective of life purpose.
- Concentrates on restoring health rather than curing sickness.
- Taps into the natural regenerative ability of the human body.
- Recognises the need to find and eliminate the causes of illness.
- Is primarily a preventative health system encouraging a lifestyle of wellness.
- Includes health education on a physical and metaphysical level.
NaturMotion can help you
- Become aware of your health care choices.
- Become empowered and take responsibility for your health.
- Develop your innate ability to live effectively and effortlessly.
- Eliminate fear-based thought patterns to create balance and wellness. (Learn how to rewrite your mind’s software to change your body’s printout).
- Activate your body’s self-heal ability.
- Treat your “emotional body” with care, respect and understanding.
- Grow spiritually.